Monday, November 26, 2018

Team Plan - Multiple User per Account

If you are working in a team or company and want to share your account with your colleagues, you can now upgrade to Team Plan.

To convert your account to Team plan, log in to SetCronJob, visit the Account tab, check the box Team support at the current plan (starred), then click Select, and click Update plan directly.
Add Team support to your plan
The current price for Team support is $4, $10 and $20 for Gold, Platinum and Diamond account respectively. So standard Gold accounts are at $20 / year, and Gold Team accounts are at $24 / year.

When your account plan is updated, you can add team member at Account > Members.
Add team member to your account
Your team member needs to sign up first at SetCronJob. They will have their own account, but they needn't pay, upgrade, or renew them to use your account.

Currently, all team members can access your account and cronjobs, including:
- Manage your cronjobs (including view, add, edit, delete, view logs, etc).
- View your account information (name, email, plan, payments, address, API token, etc).
- Make payment and change your account plan.
- Manage your account's contacts (email, slack, webhook URL).

However, they can NOT change your account name, email, password. Team member won't be able to see and update your account's members list either.

Only the account owner will be able to add (invite) or delete team members.

After your team members are added to your account, they can access your account by clicking their profile name (top right corner), then click Switch account.
Switch to shared accounts
They can click Access to enter your account and manage your cronjobs. Once they're done, they can switch back to their own account or just log out. The current working account is persistently stored, so one can only work on one account at a time, and they'll continue where they left off whenever they log in to SetCronJob again.

If you have any question, just discuss at our forum, or create a ticket.


  1. Hi Nguyen,

    This looks pretty great! Going to upgrade our plan immediately.

    Quick request: On the Cron History page, could you now also add information about which user edited/enabled/disabled the cronjob? Together with team support, this will solve our problem of unaccounted changes.

  2. It's been done. From now on, we'll record and display the author of actions at Cron History for Team account.
